
Hat Day!

Hat Day! We enjoyed seeing all our friends wearing hats at school today. We talked about each type of hat. We talked about the colors of everyone’s hats and what they were used for. We really liked all our friends hats and our teacher’s too! (SW4.1)  

Fun in the Sun

  Fun in the Sun We have been loving the warmer weather. We will be celebrating warm weather after break with a dress up week beginning May 6th! Students have begun to have access to the 3 year old playground 2 weeks before their birthday! We have been trying many fun things on our playground as we grow. Such as, pushing friends on the swings, climbing up the slides, climbing on the swing and trying to push with our legs! (PHG 4.1). 


Davening Rabbi Birnhack joined us two times this week to Daven with us. We enjoyed singing outside and inside! We are learning more of the songs and singing them throughout the day. We sang special songs for Pesach such as learning about the four questions! (SW 5.1).